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Application Process & Interviews at Redox

7.6 rating for Recruitment, based on 7 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I applied on-line directly to the agency that was advertising the job. An interview was then organised with the Branch Sale Manager. When I arrived for the interview I had to first fill out paperwork and complete a questionnaire. I was then called back for a second interview with the Branch Sales Manager and also had a small site tour. Before commencing employment I also had to have a phone conversation with the HR department and also complete an online aptitude test.
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Jul 2017
I had 2 interviews. One with a new graduate and the Branch Sales Manager then another with the same graduate employee and the Branch Manager. At my second interview I had a tour of the site.
Graduate, Adelaide - 17 Jul 2017
2 interviews, first with my now supervisor, 2nd with supervisor, HR manager and Director. Was good having a director there, shows they are approachable people
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2017
One interview and one online questionnaire assessing general skills and role suitability.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Jul 2017
Redox ensures that they hire the right person and is very thorough in selecting.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Jul 2017
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Some questions asked were similar to the following: Provide some information about yourself? What do you know about Redox? Where do you see yourself in the future? Who is your Idol and why? What are your career and life goals?
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Jul 2017
On arrival at my first interview I was asked to fill in a page of relatively easy chemistry related questions. Then a form about my strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, inspirations, etc. At both interviews I was told about the company and what my job would entail then asked about myself and previous work experience.
Graduate, Adelaide - 17 Jul 2017
I have worked with KPI's before? Why do I want to be in sales?
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Jul 2017
Previous work, study, personality, knowledge of the business, questions i had for the company
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2017
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Come prepared for the normal interview questions e.g. strengths, weaknesses. Don't be nervous, the people interviewing you are people too and they just want to choose the best person for the job.
Graduate, Adelaide - 17 Jul 2017
Be yourself.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Jul 2017
Research Redox and the chemical market
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2017